Think $20 million is expensive, Try $250 million!!!

Still think that Tiger Woods' $20 million yacht "Privacy" is expensive? How about Paul Allen - co-founder of Microsoft, the third richest man in the USA and - his yacht named "Octopus"....Octopus, the world's 6th largest super yacht comes with a price tag of
$250 million US
with an annual maintenance cost of US$20 million.

The yacht has many additional accessories including
2 helicopters on the top deck,
a swimming pool on deck,
a 10-man submarine which can sleep 8 for a 2 week duration,
a remote control vehicle for crawling the ocean floors,
a 63 foot tender on the transom, and many many more......

The moral is: No matter how rich you are, somebody is richer,
No matter how pretty you are, somebody is prettier,
No matter how smart you are, somebody is smarter,
No matter how young you are, somebody is younger,
No matter how many postings you have on your blog, somebody has more,
No matter how good your blogs, someone else's is better....

so just accept it, and life becomes much easier and more relaxed.