Hot and Sexy Reader

hot and sexy Kate Winslet

Hailed as "the best English-speaking film actress of her generation", 33-year-old Kate Winslet is undisputedly a genius on her craft. A recipient of numerous acting awards, she holds the record for being the youngest person to receive two Oscar nominations, a milestone she would maintain through her sixth nomination, in which she won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in The Reader.

Best remembered as Rose in the highest grossing film of all time, Titanic, the hot and sexy Kate first appeared in a tv commercial, followed by roles in several tv shows. In 1992, she was cast in Peter Jackson's Heavenly Creatures, earning her an Empire Award and London Critic's Circle Film Award for her performance. The following year, Kate auditioned for the adaptation of Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility, featuring Emma Thompson, Hugh Grant, and Alan Rickman. The film was a financial and critical success, winning her both a BAFTA and a Screen Actors Guild Award.

The hot and sexy actress began filming James Cameron's Titanic in mid-1996, alongside Leonardo DiCaprio. The film grossed more than $1.8 billion worldwide, catapulting her into a commercial movie star and earning her a Europen Film Award. For the following years, Kate has appeared in several films including Quills (2000), Iris (2001), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2003), Finding Neverland (2003), and Little Children (2006).

In 2007, Kate reunited with Leonardo DiCaprio to film Revolutionary Road, portraying a couple in a failing marriage in the 1950s. Directed by husband Sam Mendes, the movie gave Kate her Golden Globe Award for Best Actress. In her recent film The Reader, she portrayed a former Nazi concentration camp guard who has an affair with a young man, in which she earned her sixth Academy Award nomination and went on to win the Best Actress Award, the BAFTA Award for Best Actress, a Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress, and a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress.

Not only that, this hot and sexy celebrity is also an occasional singer, with her single What If from the soundtrack of Christmas Carol: The Movie reaching #1 in Ireland and #6 in UK. She also participated in a duet on the Sandra Boynton CD Dog Train, sang in the 2006 film Romance & Cigarettes, and recorded an aria for the soundtrack of her film Heavenly Creatures.

hot and sexy Kate Winslet hot and sexy Kate Winslet hot and sexy Kate Winslet



Even in the wide ocean when there are absolutely no boats around, two powerboats manage to crash against each other at high speed. And the neat thing is that someone on the boat managed to capture the scene on video.

Luckily, no one was injured.

Think $20 million is expensive, Try $250 million!!!

Still think that Tiger Woods' $20 million yacht "Privacy" is expensive? How about Paul Allen - co-founder of Microsoft, the third richest man in the USA and - his yacht named "Octopus"....Octopus, the world's 6th largest super yacht comes with a price tag of
$250 million US
with an annual maintenance cost of US$20 million.

The yacht has many additional accessories including
2 helicopters on the top deck,
a swimming pool on deck,
a 10-man submarine which can sleep 8 for a 2 week duration,
a remote control vehicle for crawling the ocean floors,
a 63 foot tender on the transom, and many many more......

The moral is: No matter how rich you are, somebody is richer,
No matter how pretty you are, somebody is prettier,
No matter how smart you are, somebody is smarter,
No matter how young you are, somebody is younger,
No matter how many postings you have on your blog, somebody has more,
No matter how good your blogs, someone else's is better....

so just accept it, and life becomes much easier and more relaxed.

Sam Lutfi a lawsuit against Britney Spears

Britney Spears' former BFF, Sam Lutfi if fighting back against Jamie and Lynne Spears' claims that is harassing the family and trying to wreak havoc on Brit's well being. Lutfi filed a lawsuit in L.A. today against Britney, Jamie and Lynne for defamation, breach of contract, libel, battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress explains According to allegations in the lawsuit, "Despite seemingly accomplishing their objectives, Jamie and Lynne have nevertheless continued their smear campaign against Lutfi. Thus, having no other alternative, Lutfi brings this action to defend himself against Jamie's and Lynne's persistent attacks." Lutfi further claims that Lynne's book, Through the Storm, depicted him in such an unfavorable light, that he can "no longer find work as a counselor of at-risk teens." The lawsuit also alleges that he was to be paid 15% of Britney's earnings as her manager. I can't wait to see what happens with this!

Angelina Jolie is Obsessed with Kids

Here we go again! Angelina Jolie is apparently obsessed with kids, because 6 is not enough and according to, she is actively trying to get pregnant with #7! A source for the mag claims, �Angie is doing everything she can to get pregnant." �She�s taking prenatal vitamins, has dramatically cut down on her junk-food consumption, and is seeing her obstetrician regularly whenever she�s back in L.A.� Even though she just gave birth to twins Knox and Vivienne on July 12th and was advised to wait a year to get pregnant again, she's preparing so that she can get pregnant asap! She and Brad Pitt's other children include, Maddox, Pax, Zahara and Shiloh.

Miley Cyrus trade in her Porsche Cayenne for the eco-friendly Prius

So just what made Miley Cyrus trade in her Porsche Cayenne for the eco-friendly Prius? According to, Miley told Ryan Seacrest that she wanted to practice what she preached to her fans! She said, "I'm really into the environment; I'm always telling people to get more into it and there are different ways to stay green and then I'm driving, like, this big ol' tank and I'm like, 'That could not be any more hypocritical.'" Cyrus apparently sold the Porsche to a family friend but only after she convinced her Dad that it was ok to buy a chick car (the Prius.)

Do Celebrities Get Acne?

With all the money at their disposal and the best doctors they can call we may think that celebrities skin does not show spots. The truth may be otherwise. Acne does not know the owner of the skin and it appears anywhere on anybody if conditions are conductive.

Recently a study found that stress is one of the causes of acne. All celebrities live a life of stress. It is not easy to face the cameras and be in public glare all the time. The worry of failure may also be causing a lot of stress. This will cause acne in some celebrities.

How about the makeup? A celebrity may use the best make up that is non comedogenic. But it does block the skin pores. It may contribute to acne.

Those who need a skin that is flawless and free of any kind of spots do get acne. So do all of us. The best is to treat acne in the right manner.

Keep your skin as much clean as possible. Do not over wash.

Avoid stress. If you get acne, do not get stressed. That may flare up the acne. Acne medication takes time to treat acne. Be patient and use your medicine regularly.

If you find that a food is causing breakout of acne avoid that food.

Do not pop up acne. That may cause scarring.

Change your medication after two to three months. That will not allow acne to become resistant to a particular medicine.

Use antibiotics if infection develops. Infection may cause scars.

The common medicines made from Benzoyl peroxide and Salicylic Acid are good for most kind of mild acne. Use retinoids for less severe acne. Use retinoids to treat blackheads and keep your skin young.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

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Are Celebrities Happy

Before we ask the question - are celebrities happy, let us first find out what is happiness? If you feel good for an hour every day, and horrible for the rest of the day, are you happy? What if you are happy for eight hours a day and feel down for the remaining sixteen hours, are you a happy person? For most of us, happiness is a state that is not permanent. We are not happy throughout the day. At least majority of us are not.

What is happiness? Happiness means a sense of deep contentment. A cheerful outlook. An attitude of positive thoughts. A person who has these qualities is happy during all the times of the day.

How about celebrities then? They have name, fame and wealth. They can, not only buy whatever they desire, but they can also buy a loved one. They can buy anything. Their name is splashed around in the media most of the times. Every news about them is awaited by the general population. Celebrities may not have been born with a silver spoon in the mouth, but the current spoon is mostly that of gold. So they must be happy! Don't we think so.

But sadly, happiness is away from most of the celebrities. Speaking of contentment, most of them are not only not feeling any contentment, but are frustrated. Their every movement is captured by the media. They are always in the public eye. So they try to hide. They are jealous at times of the common man. And they have no deep sense of peace in them. Rather their life and minds are full of turbulence most of the times. They are at times so dissatisfied with their own life that they wish to run away from themselves. This they cannot do, and therefore substances that take them away from their own realities are often used by them.

Happiness has something to do with money, but only to an extent. Happiness has nothing to do with fame, if you are not satisfied with yourself. Whatever the world may say, unless one has self-esteem, one can never be happy. All of us sail in the same boat. Most of us are living unhappy lives most of the time. Let us get happiness that will give us a satisfied sense of living. Let us strive for happiness in our own inner world.

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Female Celebrity Wallpapers

Wallpapers have evolved in meaning during the past couple of decades. In the past, wallpapers refer to a sticky big paper with various patterns that can be applied on walls in lieu of paint. Today, wallpapers refer to the image found on the desktop of a computer.

Although people can easily scan and upload a photo to serve as their desktop wallpapers, many tech-savvy individuals have found ways to adorn their computer screens
with new and cool wallpapers. People no longer are contented with typical wallpapers like classic artworks, modern digital art, and sports cars.

Perhaps one of the more popular types of wallpapers are celebrity wallpapers. Celebrities have become icons in today's society. Most people want to act like them, look them, and of course, be with them. It is therefore not surprising that wallpapers containing pictures of celebrities have become a hit among many Internet users.

Female celebrities like Cameron Diaz, Angelina Jolie, and Jessica Alba have also become staples in most wallpapers. The temptation of seeing a beautiful celebrity like Jolie and Alba has encouraged many to make use of celebrity wallpapers for their desktop background. Of course, it is more visually appealing to make use of celebrity wallpapers compared to using animals or complex artwork, for instance.

Proof of the popularity of these celebrity wallpapers is the number of websites offering free celebrity wallpapers. In the past, Computer users had to make do with pixilated and poor quality pictures of celebrities for their wallpapers. There were also instances when computer users scanned magazines where pictures of their favorite celebrities were published. There were not enough options for computer users in getting the favorite celebrity wallpapers.

A lot of things have changed in recent years. For one, it is a lot easy for computer users to get a wallpaper of their favorite celebrities. All they have to do is to go to an online search engine, type in the keyword "female celebrity wallpaper" and within seconds they will be provided with a list of websites offering wallpapers of celebrities.

The good part is that there is a comprehensive listing of celebrities that have wallpapers. There's a good chance that your favorite celebrity is included in the list. Your favorite movie or TV actress is sure to have their own wallpapers.

Try to go online now and visit a number of celebrity wallpaper websites, and spice up your desktop within seconds.

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$20 million price tag for this boat? Who does it belong to?

There was lots of secrecy about this megayacht when it was being built in the year 2004. In fact, the celebrity owner successfully sued the builder Christensen Yachts for exploiting his name and image to promote the company. With the information leak, everybody knows that the hull was numbered 26 and since it is a semi-custom boat, the specifications and details are readily obtainable from a similar yacht.

Okay, enough suspense, it belongs to none other than TIGER WOODS. The man who has everything? A megayacht, a gorgeous wife, beautiful baby.....what can I say?

By megayacht standards, this is a small yacht as it has only 5 guest cabins, and is only 155 feet long. It can go 12 to 17 nautical miles an hour, carries 12,000 gallons of fuel and 2,000 gallons of water. It has a range of 4,300 nautical miles. Now do the math, how much does it cost to fuel up? and what is the annual salary for his 9-man crew?

Will you take this Boat if it's Free?

In amongst the beautiful yachts in BC, at anchor near one of the islands is this sailboat with no mast. Since it is at anchor, it's not paying any rent or moorage. Yet it seemed to be well looked after, because someone is looking after the little garden on board. There are also two deck chairs for the owner and a friend to sit and relax, look out at the mountains, the water and the boats coming by. Plus, there is a BBQ for entertaining guests. If you utake a close look, there's even Christmas lights on the plant by the bow. There's even a hanging plant basket. So, will you take this boat if it is FREE? What's the catch? It cannot go anywhere, it has no mast, and the engine is probably already dead.

Which Boat would you prefer? A quiet intimate boat trip or the megayacht experience?

Here are 5 of the top megayachts in the world. If you were one of the richest person on the planet, you can take a lot of people with you on your holiday. Someone to paint your face, paint your nails, paint your toenails, wash your hair, dry your hair, cut your hair, massage your back, bring you your drinks, shoo the poor people away, screen your phone calls, do your laundry, shop for your groceries, cook your food....... and then there are all your friends to entertain...

There would be a helicopter ready for you and your friends, so when you want to have strawberries in the tropics and there are none around, that helicopter can fly to the nearest store and buy you the special food you crave.... This is the reason why one person need a private yacht that can hold 300 or more people. Sometimes the megayacht might still not be enough, because everyone wants to have the BIGGEST BIGGEST HUMONGOUS YACHT OF ALL.

Eco-tourism in the Backwater Country of Kerala

This video clip says it all. This is not an advertisement, by the way. I was just simply charmed by an alternative type of boat, NOT MADE WITH PLASTIC, NOT MASS PRODUCED. Indigenous and made with local materials.

A different type of boating. Quiet and Intimate. If you have someone you love and who loves you back, this boat will do just fine. You do not need to have a lot of people around you, and you wouldn't want to either. The best things in life are indeed free. (I did not mean the boat as the best thing in life, I mean love. You have that, and boat or no boat, you can be happy).

What type of a Boat is this? - Guess!!!!

Angelina Jollie and Brad Pitt might like vacationing on this boat, but I cannot imagine Jennifer Lopez ever stepping foot on this boat.

Boats are amongst the early form of transportation for mankind, long before automobiles and airplanes. Different countries around the world have designed and built boats of different types for transporting goods. Here are photos of a different type of boat that's not seen in Europe or North America.

While used before in ancient times as transport barges, they are now used as vacation homes. The photos shown here has one bedroom, a veranda and a bathroom. It can accommodate two people, and comes with a driver and crew server.

Send in your guesses! Those who get it right will have their names featured.

Note: This is not an advertisement. I will tell you what the boat is in a few days. I stumbled upon this information and was fascinated with the concept.

Celebrities With Bad Teeth That Have Succumb to the Celebrity Cosmetic Dentistry Craze

Sadly not all of us can be born with a set of perfect teeth and as we grow the situation doesn't really get any better. As you grow reasonably straight teeth can turn into bad teeth over night as different problems like an impacting wisdom tooth. For this reason many cosmetic dentists are offering improvements to bad teeth from tooth whitening to veneers and braces. Hollywood stars are frequently getting cosmetic dentistry to get those celebrity teeth to shine on the red carpet.

Hannah Montana star and daughter of achy breaky country singer Billy Ray, Miley Cyrus' bad teeth have been fixed. The young singer and actress had bad teeth for a while but recently it looks like Miley has spent some of her hard earned cash on some veneers. Her teeth used to be a darker and some would say more natural shade as well as having slightly short and crooked canines. Those days now appear to be gone as Miley Cyrus' celebrity status continues to rise.

Tom Cruise is an A-list Hollywood superstar. After having starred in classic films from The Colour Of Money to more recent appearances in Tropic Thunder, Tom Cruise bad teeth have plagued him since he was young. Tom has a crooked jaw that is out of alignment with his top teeth making his whole mouth appear crooked. As a child, his teeth were even worse with an enlarged front tooth that looked like it could fall out at any minute.

Not all Hollywood stars turn to cosmetic surgery, some stars have still made a good living despite having bad teeth. Morgan Freeman is one of these stars. Morgan Freeman's teeth are a mess but it is a testament to the man for sticking with them. The star of such films as Wanted and Seven, Morgan Freeman didn't start his career till later in his life which might explain why his teeth are in a state. His teeth are badly stained and his gums appear to be receding and could do with a good once over.

If you are interested in seeing photos of celebrity teeth featuring information about celeb's cosmetic dental surgery and bad teeth. You will find images of some of Miley Cyrus and Tom Cruise's teeth as well as other celebrities from around the world.

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