Hot Model Actress Devon Aoki

hot sexy Devon Aoki

This American model and actress is definitely one hot sexy celebrity. She has been on the cover of I-D magazine three times and she was also the face of Lancome cosmetics for four years. Her acting career includes films like 2 Fast 2 Furious, D.E.B.S., Sin City, Dead or Alive, War, and Mutant Chronicles.

Born in New York City, New York, Devon Aoki grew up in California and London. Her Japanese father was a former Olympic wrestler and the founder/owner of the Benihana restaurant chain. Her mother is a jewelry designer and a painter of German and English heritage.

Hot and sexy Devon started modeling when she was 13, the same year she was introduced by her godmother to Kate Moss, who would later take the young model under her wing. She was signed to Storm Model Management at age 14.

In 1998, Devon, at the age of 16, replaced Naomi Campbell as the face of Versace. She has also modeled for the fashion houses LancĂ´me, Chanel, and Versace, despite her relatively short height for a runway model.

Before branching out in big screen, the hot and sexy model started acting by making cameo appearances in several music videos early in her career. She also has a half-brother, Steve Aoki, who is a Los Angeles DJ and the founder of Dim Mak Records.

hot sexy Devon hot sexy Devon Aoki hot sexy Devon Aoki

Allergic Reaction? Good One!!

These poor celebrities - someone must really have it out for them.  They can never catch a break.  Can't even have an allergic reaction in peace.  Ahem!!  good One Charlie.  I've come up with some doozies in my day but I never though of that one.  I'll have to stick that one in my pocket for a future day.
When a celebrity lands themselves into some trouble, a powerhouse team of publicists typically do what they're hired to do: spin, spin, spin.
But Charlie Sheen's camp lobbed a doozy Tuesday, hours after it was revealed the troubled actor spent the night in the hospital following a booze-and-blow binge with a hired date in his Plaza Hotel suite, police sources said.
And the "Two and a Half Men" star, who has infamously struggled with alcohol, drugs and anger management, now has his team pulling double-duty, releasing not one but two statements.
"What we are able to determine is that Charlie had an adverse reaction to some medication and was taken to the hospital, where he is expected to be released tomorrow," Sheen's publicist said.
Added his lawyer, "Charlie is being evaluated and should be released tomorrow. We think he had an allergic reaction to some medicine."
So does Sheen's "allergy" take the cake for All-Time Worst Excuse? Consider these celebs and their rather unfortunate circumstances:

The heiress, who - like Sheen - is no stranger to law enforcement, found herself back in court this summer after she was arrested in Las Vegas on suspicion of cocaine possession.
Defense: In addition to initially claiming the stash was actually just gum, Hilton later insisted that the purse in which the drugs were found wasn't hers. The jig was up when an old photo of Hilton showing off the bag was unearthed. She later agreed to a plea deal for two misdemeanor charges, thereby avoiding jail and instead getting a sentence of probation, a fine and community service.
Offense: When Lohan was due to appear in a Beverly Hills courthouse for a mandatory hearing in May, the actress was a no-show.
Defense: The scandal-ridden starlet claimed her passport was stolen while she was in Cannes and she would miss her flight. However, the judge was none too pleased, telling LiLo's lawyer, "She should have made sure she either didn't go to Cannes or made sure to be back two days earlier."
Offense: In the years before the pop star's official meltdown, Spears was on a slow downward spiral that often wavered into dangerous territory. In 2006, she was photographed driving with her son Sean Preston, then just four months old, in her lap.
Defense: After an outcry, the singer released a statement claiming the illegal seating arrangement was due to a "horrifying, frightful encounter with the paparazzi." Spears later defended herself again, this time in an interview with Matt Lauer, explaining that the act just ran in the family. "I did it with my dad," she said. "I’d sit on his lap and I drive. We’re

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Hot Mama Mariah


I've been waiting for this story to come out.  I'm so happy to hear that Mariah Carey is going to have a baby!

US singer Mariah Carey has confirmed that she and her husband, America's Got Talent host Nick Cannon, are expecting their first child.
"Yes, we're pregnant, this is true. We're expecting in the spring," said Carey in a TV interview.
Carey, 40, also revealed she had suffered a miscarriage soon after she and Cannon married in 2008.
"It's been tough, because I have been trying to hold on to a shred of privacy," she told Access Hollywood.
"At this point, there is no choice. I either talk or I hibernate," she added.
Carey has not revealed the sex of the baby. According to her husband, however, the child's name has already been decided.
"We've had names picked out from the first day we met and we want to stay true to that," Cannon told presenter Billy Bush.
The couple married in the Bahamas in April 2008. Carey's first marriage to to producer Tony Mottola ended in divorce in 1998.
News of Carey's pregnancy emerged after British actress Thandie Newton accidentally disclosed it on US chat show The View.
"I think she is pregnant," said Newton when asked why she had taken over Carey's role in the film For Colored Girls. (Read whole Story on